The Australian Transplant Games are presented by Transplant Australia.
Transplant Australia exists to enrich and celebrate life. Our vision is for Australia to lead the world in organ and tissue donation and transplantation – saving lives, improving quality of life and providing much needed care and support.
Our members share a special bond, having all been touched in some way by transplantation. They include those awaiting transplantation, donor families, living donors, transplant recipients, and the doctors, nurses and co-ordinators working in the organ and tissue donation and transplantation sector.
While they have their own unique story to tell, they are part of a team that serves to celebrate and cherish the greatest gift of all – life itself.
Transplant Australia works in the areas of advocacy, awareness and support. Our objectives are to:
- Increase the rate of organ and tissue donation;
- Improve the community’s understanding of transplantation;
- Provide our members with support, education and guidance to improve their health and quality of life