Expression of interest to be a member of the Consumer Advisory Board
What is the GOAL trial?
Frailty is high among older people with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and can be linked to disabilities and
hospital admissions. Doctors who specialise in the care of older people, called geriatricians, routinely do a
detailed medical review and care plan with older frail patients. This process is called a Comprehensive
Geriatric Assessment (CGA). The benefits of a CGA in older frail patients with CKD have not been studied.
The GOAL trial aims to find out if CGAs help improve the health and wellbeing of frail older people with CKD.
The trial will include 500 patients across 16 hospitals in Australia. Geriatricians at 8 of the hospitals will do a
CGA for their frail older CKD patients, the other 8 hospitals will follow routine clinical care (no CGA). Patients
will be asked to set some personal goals, and complete a quality of life questionnaire. After 3, 6 and 12
months, the goals will be reviewed to see if patients have achieved them and the questionnaire is repeated.
The researchers will look at whether the patients who had a CGA are more able to achieve their goals and
whether their quality of life is improved. The Australasian Kidney Trials Network is coordinating the trial.
Why do we need a consumer advisory board?
The researchers want to make sure that the trial is designed in a way that is meaningful to patients and
carers, and focuses on outcomes that are important to them. The Consumer Advisory Board will help ensure
the trial documents that are provided to patients are clear and useful, including when the trial results are
shared with the kidney care community
For more information click on the link below.
Expression of interest to be a member of the Consumer Advisory Board Form
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