You’re invited to join a worldwide celebration of transplantation
All across the world transplant recipients and their families are slowly emerging out of lockdown and thinking about how to get back into life.
For many it is a challenging year without the inspirational celebration of the World Transplant Games. Instead the organisers of what would have been the Houston Games are holding a worldwide celebration called 5k AnyWay. Already almost 50 countries have enrolled in this worldwide celebration.
This virtual global event takes place from May 28 through June 5, 2021, with the hope of virtually uniting transplant survivors, donors, their families and supporters from around the world.
It’s a unique opportunity for you to complete a 5K any way you like! Run, walk, swim, bike, row – the choice is yours! Complete your activity any time from Friday, May 28 through Friday, June 4. After finishing your 5K, log your activity to submit your results and watch as we make our way around the world!
Once we make it around the world, we will have a global celebration on June 5, 2021!
Our collective goal is to log enough miles to make it around the world! We only ask that you have fun, share pictures of your adventure (#5kAnyWAy) and help us spread the word of the importance of organ donation.
Everyone is encouraged to support 5k Anyway by visiting
How Australia is getting behind 5k Anyway…
Transplant Australia is organising four special walks in Launceston, Perth, Newcastle, Parramatta and Canberra on Sunday May 30 to help activate our communities and show our support for the world.
Each of these events will see a community walk followed by a morning tea. It will be a great opportunity to get back out there and catch up with the donation and transplant community.
Anyone outside these locations can participate in the 5k anyway by registering at
Every participant will receive a new Transplant Active t-shirt.
To register click on the flyer of the walk to want to attend and follow the instructions.
Perth Update – The walk will not take place in Kings Park (not South Perth). The new meeting place is the Old Tea Pavilion, Kattidj Close in Kings Park (off Fraser Avenue).
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