The Board of Transplant Australia has now formally postponed the 2020 Australian Transplant Games to next year. Members were advised in early March that the dates were under review and now that we have discussed the matter with the Tasmanian Government, Launceston City Council and all venues, the event has been earmarked for April 2021. Those already registered will have their registration held over to next year or, if they can’t make those dates, a full refund provided. The media release on the postponement can be read here. MEDIA RELEASE – Transplant Australia – Australian Transplant Games – 2020 04 08.
The Board is extremely appreciative of the work the Local Advisory Group and staff have undertaken so far in preparing what would have been a great September Games. The new dates fall in the April school holidays and will be a great time to visit Tasmania.
Let’s pray the Coronavirus Pandemic is under control and the Games can proceed in the new time frame. We will continue to monitor the advice from health authorities and should be in a better position to make a final call on the Games by October this year. At that point registration will reopen.
Stay safe
Chris Thomas
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