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Transplant Talk – COVID Vaccinations for Transplant Recipients and Dialysis Patients

By February 2, 2021February 17th, 202112 Comments

Transplant Australia has arranged a vital seminar for transplant recipients, dialysis patients and their families in Australia and NZ to learn about the importance of vaccination for the COVID-19 Virus.

We are pleased that Professor Toby Coates, President of the Transplant Society of Australia and New Zealand will Chair this important Zoom meeting.

There are a lot of questions about vaccination – the timeline for rollout, who are in the priority groups and how to stay safe before and after vaccination? We are pleased to have arranged two highly-respected experts to present the facts. Professor Steve Chadban from Royal Prince Alfred Hospital and Dr Peter Boan, Infectious Diseases Physician and Microbiologist from Fiona Stanley Hospital with expertise in infections in transplantation will also be available to answer your questions.

The seminar has been developed by Transplant Australia Board Member, Professor Richard Allen and Membership Manager, Matty Hempstalk.

Recording will be available on our website under few days later

Details; ….


Welcome – Holly Tyrrell, Transplant Australia Board Member and Corneal Recipient

Facilitator – Professor Toby Coates, TSANZ Chair

Transplant Nurses Association Message – Libby John, TNA President


Professor Steve Chadban, Past-President TSANZ and Chair of the Transplant Liaison Reference Group, Co-Chair, COVID-19 National Transplantation and Donation Rapid Response Taskforce

Dr Peter Boan, Infectious Diseases Physician and Microbiologist, Member, COVID-19 National Transplantation and Donation Rapid Response Taskforce

Date: Wednesday 17th February 2021

Times: 7.30pm (NSW,VIC, TAS) 7.00pm (SA) 6.30pm (QLD) 6.00pm (NT) and 4.30pm (WA)

Via:  Zoom

Register at:

Speakers Bio’s

Professor Chadban is Past-President of the Transplantation Society of Australia and New Zealand and Councillor of The Transplantation Society (Oceania Rep), Executive Member of ANZDATA and a Lead Investigator in the CARSK and AusDiab Kidney Studies. Chadban advises Government as Chair of the TLRG(OTA) and National Vascular Diseases Advisory Group/CKD(AIHW). Chadban is Associate Editor for Transplantation. He has spoken at numerous national and international meetings and has produced over 200 papers published in journals including the New England Journal of Medicine, JAMA, Lancet and the . His publications have been cited 11,549 times and his H-factor is 55. Research interests include CKD and ESKD epidemiology, the molecular mechanisms of transplant rejection and CKD, with a focus on innate immunity, and improving outcomes for kidney transplant recipients through clinical trials.

Peter Boan is an Infectious Diseases Physician and Microbiologist with expertise in infections in transplantation, haematology and other immunocompromised patients. He was a member of the committee revising the donor infectious diseases section of the TSANZ (Transplantation Society of Australia and New Zealand) guidelines in 2018. He is a current member of the TSANZ/OTA (Organ and Tissue Authority) COVID-19 National Transplantation and Donation Rapid Reponse Taskforce, of the TSANZ National Indigenous Kidney Transplantation Taskforce, and of the OTA Vigilance and Surveillance Expert Advisory Committee.  He practices in Perth at Fiona Stanley Hospital  and PathWest Laboratory Medicine WA

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