LIVING WITH A TRANSPLANT IN A CHANGING COVID WORLD – a Transplant Australia sponsored Webinar for recipients, families, and healthcare workers.
Chairperson: Prof Kate Wyburn is the director of kidney transplantation at RPA Hospital and President-elect of the TSANZ. Kate will set the ever-changing scene in Australia where we are now encouraged to ‘live normally’ despite record Covid infection numbers and hospital admissions. She will introduce the three speakers invited by Transplant Australia because of their clinical experiences since February 2020, their ability to communicate effectively and to interpret the mixed messages coming from governments, politicians and social media. It is time for us all to be cautiously optimistic.
Prof Dominic Dwyer, a clinician virologist and Director of the Institute of Clinical Pathology and Research at Westmead Hospital. He was Australia’s representative on the WHO Delegation to evaluate of the origins of the Covid virus in Wuhan, PCR. Dominic will help us understand why the virus mutates, the value of antigen testing and how scientists can respond quickly to the mutations.
Prof Germaine Wong, director of Renal Medicine and Transplantation at Westmead Hospital. Her hospital in Western Sydney has been challenged more than most by Covid infection in transplant recipients over the last two years. She will describe the changing clinical presentations and management, with and without vaccination, and her recent experiences with the Omicron variant.
Prof Steve Chadban. He is chair of the Clinical Advisory Board to the Australia Organ Tissue Authority. Steve is a senior clinician researcher with a great understanding of the new antiviral drugs in transplant recipients and the value of ring immunity. He will also discuss the potentially very important measurement of antibody responses of at-risk individuals and possible protection provided by past Covid infection.
Kate Wyburn will then lead the Panel Discussion answering questions posed by registrants at time of your online registration and during the Webinar. We will have Webinar capacity for up to 3,000 registrations and plan to finish at 8:00pm AEST. The webinar will also be available online the next day.
Recording is now available Here
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