The Board of Transplant Australia has recommended all transplant recipients in Australia be vaccinated for COVID-19. Transplant Australia held a highly successful ZOOM Webinar for recipients, those on dialysis, those waiting, living donors and doctors and nurses on February 18.
The clear evidence from the expert presenters was that the risks of becoming infected and of developing severe outcomes from COVID were higher for organ transplant recipients than for the general community, and as early data on vaccination of transplant recipients suggests similar safety to the general population, it makes good sense for transplant recipients to be immunized for COVID as soon as possible.
Transplant Australia was pleased to host the webinar for the transplant community in Australia and beyond. Almost 2,000 participants logged in.
It was held in conjunction with the Transplantation Society of Australia and New Zealand and the Transplant Nurses Association. It was proudly supported by Astellas.
The recording is available at
Will the two presentations be available on here for download?
They are available at
Is the whole transcript of this to be made available and what has happened to your Facebook page?
We got caught up with the media ban by Facebook. You can find the recording at