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10 years on – thousands of reasons to be thankful.

By August 2, 2018No Comments

Transplant Australia today thanked the thousands of families who have supported their loved one’s decision to donate their organs and leave the ultimate gift – the gift of life.

Transplant Australia CEO Chris Thomas, speaking to recognise the start of DonateLife Week, said organ and tissue donation has undergone a total transformation in Australia over the past 10 years.

“This really is the ultimate good news story, especially for those awaiting a life-saving transplant in Australia. They have never had a better chance of receiving that precious organ,” Mr Thomas said.

“Our rate of donation has more than doubled in Australia over the last decade. There has been both a culture shift in the clinical setting where those difficult conversations take place with potential donor families and in the community where donation is much more talked about.

“Transplantation as a surgical procedure too has undergone enormous improvements. Recipients are living longer than ever before and the quality of their lives has greater improved.”

Mr Thomas emphasised the need for Australians to register as donors. “Statistics show if you are registered, then in more than 90 per cent of cases your family will confirm their support of your decision. However if you are not registered and have not discussed donation, family support drops to below 50 per cent.

“We urge all Australians to make their decision count. Register now. If it ever comes to an opportunity of you potentially becoming a donor, you are actually doing your family a great service. They won’t have to grapple with the dilemma of wondering whether you would have supported donation. The decision will already be made. A much preferred position at an extremely difficult stage of a family’s life.”

You can make your decision count at

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