Transplant Australia's CEO Chris Thomas has expressed gratitude to TECMASK for their support of the 2018 Australian Transplant Games athletes, and the message of organ and tissue donation. TECMASK are…
Organ transplant recipients are at an increased risk of skin cancers, including the most deadly form melanoma, and Queensland University of Technology researchers are looking for transplant recipients to test…
Organ transplant recipients are at an increased risk of skin cancers, including the most deadly form melanoma, and QUT researchers are looking for transplant recipients to test a new sun…
The first Fit For Life! walk in Western Sydney has taken place, with a group of 13 transplant recipients, their friends and family completing a 5km walk. Fit for Life…
Melbourne's Fit for Life! walk through Melbourne coincided with the 2018 Transplantation Society of Australia and New Zealand (TSANZ) Conference and was led by Victoria's Fit for Life! Ambassadors, kidney…
The Transplant Games High-Performance Camp held at the Runaway Bay Sports Super Centre - what a great weekend it was! This is a new program for Transplant Australia, offering members…
The High Performance Camp is one of the main events in the lead up to the Australian Transplant Games. The athletes will unite on the Gold Coast, Queensland from March…
Thailand are hosting their first ever national games from 24th -29th June in Pattaya. The aims of this event is to: Promote transplant games in Thailand to the public and…
Thailand is inviting Australian transplant recipients, living donors and supporters to their national games from 24th -29th June in Pattaya. The aims of this event is to: Promote transplant games…
A diverse group of transplant recipients from across Australia will come to the Transplant Australia High-Performance Sports Camp in March, the biggest camp of its kind in Australia and the…
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