Transplant Australia’s has boosted its Transplant Active program designed to support the mental and physical wellbeing of the transplant community, with two recent appointments.
“Transplant Australia is committed to improving the health and wellbeing of all those on the transplant journey. Receiving a Participation Grant from Sports Australia for the Transplant Active program has enabled us to better support the transplant community through fitness programs, sports events, virtual activities, and online engagement,” said Transplant Australia’s Chief Executive Officer, Chris Thomas, “Now we have the additional resources and expertise to deliver the program.”
Julie Scudds has joined Transplant Australia, as a Coordinator of the Transplant Active Program.
Julie is already well known to many in the transplant community, through her ongoing involvement in the Transplant Australia WA Committee and the Advisory Committee for the 2023 World Transplant Games
As a volunteer, Julie has worked tirelessly to develop opportunities for transplant recipients to build their health, wellbeing, and community connection. It is wonderful have her commitment and expertise to support a program of activities across states and territories. Julie will work with National Membership Manager and Sports Administrator, Matty Hempstalk and our volunteer network across Australia to deliver a program of new and existing community events to encourage physical activity, exercise, and friendship.
“With the implementation of Transplant Active, I am excited to continue helping people be more active post-transplant with community events and activities aimed at improving fitness and physical wellbeing,” said Julie Scudds.
Chris Thomas also announced the appointment of Gemma Dale from The Event Team to support the delivery of an online engagement program for Transplant Active.
“Gemma has a background in health promotion and the delivery of mass participation sports events, and we are excited to have her expertise and the backing of The Event Team in delivering the Transplant Active online engagement,” said Chris.
“I am thrilled to be working with the Transplant Australia team to deliver such an important project. Through our work in event management, we regularly see the difference that exercise can make to an individual’s physical and mental health. So, we’re looking forward to supporting transplant recipients along their journey, developing a program that can be tailored for individuals, rewarding efforts, and celebrating achievements.”
“We hope the digital platform will help create a sense of community for transplant recipients, a place to seek advice and support and to help individuals move one step closer to their own holistic sense of health.”
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