Margaret Cochrane, a Victorian Kidney transplant recipient of almost 41 years, passed away just before Easter after a long illness. She attended the first Australian Transplant Games in Melbourne and…
It is with great sadness that we acknowledge the passing of long term member of TAWA, Heather Brunalli. Heather had a liver transplant in 2006 and was determined to make…
Derek Claridge 1946 - 2016 It is with great sadness that TA WA acknowledges the passing of long term member Derek Claridge. After many years with failing health Derek had…
It is with much sadness that Transplant Australia announces the passing of David Taylor. David was someone who really made the most of life and was such a great role…
It is with great sadness that we inform you of the passing of Gus Mondo, aged 75. Gus, a Melbourne man, was an early heart transplant recipient and underwent his…
Transplant Australia is sad to announce the passing of Audrey Wood, a long time member of Transplant Australia in both Western Australia and in New South Wales. Audrey was a…
Ian’s contribution to the Transplant Australia community was invaluable, particularly in assisting his wife Margaret with the NSW Transplant Australia committee. Ian represented Australia at many World Transplant Games as…
The Transplant Australia Western Australia family is saddened by the passing of Jill Coughran, a member of both Transplant Australia in NSW and WA. Jill was a Double Lung transplant…
A packed church with people from all over Australia farewelled Michael Campbell-Jones on Friday, April 24. Hundreds of people from his schooling, university, rugby and racing days were in attendance.…
Transplant Australia lost one of its ardent supporters last week. More importantly Australia lost one of its longest surviving heart transplant recipients. Lyn Budge, Transplant Australia Life Member (pictured right…
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We are building a platform for our members to contribute to our community and we would love to hear from you.
You don’t have to be an amazing writer or have experience in writing, you just need to have something to share. If you’re interested email your details to and we will contact you.
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