The 2016 DonateLife Week has been great for the promotion of organ and tissue donation awareness across Australia. Using the hashtag #endthewait, DonateLife Week aims to improve donation rates, and highlight the importance of joining the Australian Organ Donor Register.
Several members of Transplant Australia shared their experiences around transplantation with journalists, and in so doing, contributed to inspiring family discussions about decisions to register as an organ donor.
From WA to Western Sydney; Brissy to Vic, here are a few media highlights from the past five days.
In Penrith, two 9-year-olds came together to officially launch DonateLife Week in NSW: Naisha and Kyla. One girl is from a donor family whose generous decision to donate their son/brother Deyaan’s organs inspired a record-breaking number of people to register as organ donors in India. The other girl had her life saved when she received a liver transplant as a baby – and now she’s active, sporty, as has signed up for her first Australian Transplant Games.
Kidney pancreas recipient, and tireless campaigner for the life-saving cause of organ and tissue donation, Transplant Australia member Brad Rossiter was spreading the good word in the Bay Press. The journalist described DonateLife Week as the”(w)eek when Rossiter really gets going”. Onya Brad!
Jason Mears, one of the athletes who competed at the 2014 Australian Transplant Games in Melbourne and marched into the Opening Ceremony with his brass band, appeared in the Herald Sun with his wife Sarah. He said “Sarah and I wrote to my donor family… If it wasn’t for that donor giving me this gift I wouldn’t have this second chance to spend more time with the people I love.”
Meanwhile, AJ Myers, someone who is much loved and known by all the transplant community, seems to have grown up all of a sudden into a very smart young man in his school uniform.
Paul Bourke is a wonderful donor family member and did his wife Suzette proud with this article.
These are just a few highlights. Thanks everyone for your efforts.
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